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Inspiration to Change Your Life
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Discovering who I was truly meant to be: the process, the tears, the triumph
In mid-March, Barbados confirmed the first two cases of COVID-19. My daughter's school closed immediately and our little island nation went into lockdown. We didn’t know how long it would last but I made the decision that I wasn’t merely going to survive this lockdown but that I would thrive–just as I had when I went to prison.
Becoming the Rebel Woman
You're more than your parents' opinion
5 Steps to an Authentic and Effective Self-Image
Your self-image is the way you view yourself. You might view yourself as a parent, construction worker, friend, blonde, sports fan, intelligent, impatient, and middle-aged. But you’re more than your career, gender, and age. You’re more than your parents’ opinion. Or anyone else for that matter.
Being Resilient Becomes All The More Important During These Times.
Even mindful people have days when they don’t feel their best selves and overreact emotionally.
As long as we’re interacting with people and living our lives each day, we’ll naturally be subject to a lot of mishaps, mistakes, and problems that are bound to make us feel stressed and lose our sense of control.
Think of self-care as simply for those who can afford it?
Understanding Self-Care is a necessity and why it is a healthy habit to cultivate.
Not everyone is on the same page about self-care. Though we often hear of it nowadays, some think of self-care as merely indulgent. Others think of self-care as simply for those who can afford it. Meanwhile, some people do understand its necessity and why it is a healthy habit to cultivate.
Being strong and Finding strength is the same
Even Seemingly Strong People Need To Find Strength, And Those Who Don't Think They Are Strong Have Strength.
To find strength and be strong is the same. You first need to be strong to find your strength, and you need strength to be strong.
I have learned in life that even seemingly strong people need to find strength and those who don’t think they are strong have strength. We have it inside us, in fact, we have everything we need inside us we just have to have the courage to access it.
The Power of our habits is Underestimated
Habits Are A Huge Part Of Attaining Genuine Happiness
Most of the time, we underestimate our habits. More correctly, we underestimate the power our habits have over us, and the impact they have on our actions. Understandably, nobody is 100% conscious of his or her actions all of the time. However, if we want to feel better about ourselves or we’re in need of a confidence boost, sometimes our habits could be one thing we could look into.
Overwhelmed with the negativity of your self-destructive thoughts?
Banish Common Self-Destructive Thoughts Forever
Do you notice when negative, self-destructive thoughts creep into your mind? If you’re like most of us, you likely even discourage yourself with negative self-talk. Beware of these negative processes! You can get overwhelmed with the negativity of your self-destructive thoughts.
Are you sending yourself these troubled messages?